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Golam A Khan Speaks @ WISE Berlin, Germany

A Change of Mind(s)

I am happy to join the WISE conference in #Berlin next month as a speaker. 

In a world which is increasingly divided I am grateful to find myself working with an institution bringing thought leaders together from across the globe.


“A Change of Mind(s)” - WISE Topics include:

hashtag#Africa (Creative) hashtag#AI hashtag#Asia, Avatars, hashtag#Barcelona Brands, ChatGPT, hashtag#China Chip Wars, Clubs, Cyberrave, hashtag#Disco Digital Art, Distribution, hashtag#Eurovision Festivals, Gender, hashtag#Geopolitics Green Technology, Immersive (Audio), Investment, Labels, Latin America, Live Events, hashtag#Metaverse hashtag#Movies Musicians, hashtag#NFT Psychedelics, hashtag#Radio Streaming, Social Media´s Future, Songwriting, Spain, Tangerine Dream, Techno, Tik Tok, hashtag#Tolerance VR Web3, hashtag#XR and more


WISE - The Future Festival & Think Tank is a global summit at the intersection of Music, Art & Technology connecting thought leaders of the creative industries, science and the tech community. 

WISE also consults government institutions, businesses and the global creative community on all things China, helps curate likeminded conferences / festivals and is active in the European Music Export.

WISE is connecting local communities globally through hashtag#musichashtag#art & hashtag#technology

With the Trade Commissioner Claudia Seeber, Embassy of Canada to Germany in Berlin 

Location: SAE Institute 

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